DirectX 12 a fost anuntat exclusiv pentru Windows 10. Deci in cazul in care doriti sa folosti DirectX 12 este nevoie sa faceti upgrade.
- Cand apare DirectX 12 ? - odata cu Windows 10.
- Cand apare Windwos 10 ? - spre sfarsitul lui 2015 sau mai bine spus, atunci cand vrea Microsoft.
AMD si Nvidia au confirmat deja ca noile placi video vor suporta DirectX 12 iar confrom Microsoft.
- Trebuie sa-mi schimb placa video? Doar daca vrei sa te bucuri de noutatile DirectX 12.
"There will be DX 11.1 cards that take advantage of a lot of the driver and software tech that we're bringing in Windows 10, but if you want the full benefits of DX12, you're going to need a DX12 card."
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